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Strach ma wielkie oczy 2.PDF
Ks. Piotr Górecki „Strach ma wielkie oczy". O koniecznym dialogu w katechezie na temat trudnych kart historii Kościoła
2.2. Kościół we władzy świeckich
2.3. Grzech rozdziału Kościoła nba chrześcijafistwo zachodnie i wschodnie
2.4. Nawracanie ...
Strach ma wielkie oczy.PDF
Ks. Piotr Górecki „Strach ma wielkie oczy". O koniecznym dialogu w katechezie na temat trudnych kart historii Kościoła
I. Wprowadzenie
II. w poszukiwaniu właściwych metod dialogu
III. Wybrane bolesne karty historii Kościoła i próba ich właściwej ...
Katolicyzm polski dziś i jutro.PDF
Katolicyzm polski dziś i jutro, praca zbiorowa, Wydawnictwo „M”, Kraków 2001.
Słowo wstępne
1. Badania statystyczne wykazują, że 96% Polaków deklaruje wiarę w Boga, 47% uczęszcza na Mszę św. Co te dane mówią o naszej wierze?
2. ...
Andrew Arato - Constitution Making Under Occupation.jpg
The attempt in 2004 to draft an interim constitution in Iraq and the effort to enact a permanent one in 2005 were unintended outcomes of the American occupation, which first sought to impose a constitution by its agents. This two-stage constitution-making paradigm, ...
Kamran Scot Aghaie - The Women of Karbala.jpg
Commemorating the Battle of Karbala, in which the Prophet Mohammad's grandson Hosayn and seventy-two of his family members and supporters were martyred in 680 CE, is the central religious observance of Shi'i Islam. Though much has been written about the rituals that ...
Nissim Rejwan - The Last Jews in Baghdad.jpg
Once upon a time, Baghdad was home to a flourishing Jewish community. More than a third of the city's people were Jews, and Jewish customs and holidays helped set the pattern of Baghdad's cultural and commercial life. On the city's streets and in the bazaars, Jews, Muslims, ...
Esther Meir-Glitzenste - Zionism in an Arab Country.jpg
Zionism in an Arab Country explores the relations between the Zionist establishment in Israel, and the Jewish community in Iraq. This relationship centered on two organizations: a Zionist movement and a defense organization. By reviewing the activity of these ...
Sami Shubber - The Law of Investment in Iraq (2009).jpg
A new era began in Iraq in 2003, with an open market economy. A new Law of Investment was adopted in 2006, which aims at the promotion and encouragement of investment, by liberalising it and opening it to foreign investors. It offers generous incentives and guarantees to ...
C. J. Edmonds - East and West of Zagros.jpg
The four years of the First World War, 1914 to 1918, mark an important turning-point in the history of the countries of Western Asia. They saw territories which theretofore had perhaps been visited only by an occasional foreign traveller turned into a battle ground for ...
Gokhan Cetinsaya - The Ottoman Administration of Iraq.jpg
Ottoman Administration of Iraq, 1890-1908 Ottoman Administration of Iraq, 1890-1908 is the first political and administrative study of late 19th century Iraq based on the central Ottoman Archives. It is a unique and pioneering work in the literature on the Modern Middle ...
Courtney Hunt - The History of Iraq (2005).jpg
Since the early 1990s, Iraq (and its former dictator, Saddam Hussein) has been a fixture in Western media. However, few American adults know or understand the rich cultural history or the political forces that have shaped modern Iraq. As the future of Iraq is now being ...
Christopher C. Joyner - The Persian Gulf War.jpg
The stability of the Persian Gulf is of great importance to the economies of the entire world--as amply demonstrated by recent events. This collection of essays surveys the state of the Persian Gulf in the wake of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War. By evaluating the geopolitical ...
Gary Sick.jpg
With the U.S.-led Operation Iraqi Freedom, we are reminded that almost one hundred years ago, Great Britain undertook a similar process of regime change and territorial reorganization in the same region of the world. In the thick of world conflict, with its strategic ...
Osprey - Essential Histories 20 - Efraim Karsh - The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 (2002).jpg
The Iran-Iraq War, which ended in August 1988, one month short of its eighth anniversary, was one of the longest, bloodiest and costliest third world armed conflicts in the 20th century. This volume addresses the causes of the Iran-Iraq War, unpacking the objectives of the ...
Jane R. McIntosh - Ancient Mesopotamia.jpg
The first general introduction to Mesopotamia that covers all four of the area's major ancient civilizations-Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, and Babylonia. The eyes of the world are on Iraq and the surrounding region, witnessing conflict, chaos, and the effects of brutal ...
E. S. Drower - The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran.jpg
A study of all aspects of Mandaean life, The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran remains the work that brings the people alive. No anthropologist has conducted fieldwork among the Mandaeans, not even in recent decades, and therefore Drower remains a singular figure.